The Reserve Bank has warned that more interest rate hikes are imminent, with the impacts being felt across the board.
With you on your property journey

First Home Buyer
Mark Bouris on A Current Affair
Mark Bouris appeared on A Current Affair to emphasise one of the ways Australians can work around interest rate rises.
Rates Rise Again
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) announced they are raising the official cash rate from 0.35% to 0.85%.
Conveyancing Explained
If you’re a home owner in Australia, then you’re probably aware of the conveyancing process.
Rate Rises: What Does it Mean?
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) announced an increase to the official cash rate, which now sits at 0.35%.
Superannuation for Housing: How the Coalitions ‘super home buyer’ scheme stacks up
Housing affordability has been a political football for many years now, but debate has heated up around government policies as we near election day.
Buy now pay later – How does it affect your credit score?
As the BNPL platforms can affect your chances of a home loan approval if they impact your credit score, it’s important to understand how these schemes work.
Will a credit card affect my home loan application?
If you’re struggling with high levels of credit card debt, it’s important to address the issue before applying for a home loan.
Not sure about whether to opt for a fixed or variable rate?
If you can’t decide between the two, consider a split home loan.