Knowing how much you can borrow will not only help you set realistic expectations but also enable you to make informed decisions throughout the home loan process. The list within this blog explores the 5 fundamentals of understanding your borrowing power, to help you feel confident as you journey towards owning your own slice of paradise.
With you on your property journey
First Home Buyer
5 Fundamentals of Getting on Top of Your Home Loan in 2024
As we step into 2024, it’s time to take control, welcome financial stability, and set a path for a future free from the stress of mortgage worries. Let’s take a look at five fundamentals that will enable you to better manage your home loan this year.
5 things to know if you’re in the market for the first time
If property is on your mind, or even a goal for 2024, the obvious question to answer is: what should you know as a first home buyer? Find out!
Why “Save More” Is a Terrible New Year’s Resolution
Saving more is often touted as the solution to financial problems, but the reality is that it rarely delivers the promised results. Find out why!
Holiday Hold: RBA Pauses Cash Rate Hikes
The RBA board has decided to hold the official cash rate at 4.35% in the final board meeting of 2023.
The 20% deposit myth
If you want to buy before you reach that 20% mark then you can absolutely and completely get a loan with a smaller deposit. Let us show you how!
‘I’ve never seen anything like this’ Mark Bouris’ grim prediction
Mark Bouris has said he’s “never seen anything like this” as people try to get home loans amid a crisis he believes Labor is stoking.
The Rate that Stops the Nation
The RBA has delivered an increase of 0.25% to the official cash rate, leaving it at 4.35% for November.
Understanding Comparison Rates: The Real Cost of your Home Loan
Comparison rates were introduced by the Federal Government as a way to standardise and simplify how lenders presented home loan costs to consumers. Understanding this rate, will help you make better decisions.