With you on your property journey

Our Blog
Construction Loans Explained: A Guide for Homeowners
We take you through what a construction loan is, how it operates, how it’s different from a regular loan and what you need to know whilst looking for one.
Alternate Documentation Loans: The Common Misconceptions
Here’s a quick guide on Alternate documentation loans – what they are, how they work and some common misconceptions associated with them.
How to Get a Home Loan When You’re Self-Employed
Being self-employed does not mean you have to settle for a higher interest rate home loan. Here’s how
Self-employed borrowers: The challenges and how to overcome them
Self-employed borrowers face different challenges when trying to get a home loan. Having strategy and understanding your business structure will be a a major advantage. Here’s our tips to put your best foot forward
Pitfalls of Current all time low Fixed-Rate Offerings
Looking to benefit from the current historically low fixed interest rates? Here are a few things to keep in mind to protect your interests.
Why a redraw facility can save you in the long run
Learn how you can pay of your home loan faster by using a redraw facility.